Monday, February 6, 2012

C4 Teachers #1

      I commented on Ms. Jennifer Brokofsky's post Purposeful Practice. The post talked about different ways to practice for a subject and the meaning of practice. She gave a list of her practice beliefs. She talked of what practice is in education. Also, how teachers and  coaches need to put the practice into the game.
     I told her how I agree on how practice does not make perfect but it can make it better. Nobody can be absolutely perfect but the teachers can be part of the students experience in advancing their knowledge in the subject matter.The teachers definitely need to give the students enough practice time so they can make sure the students understand the subject. Part of making mistakes is learning from the mistakes. Games make learning fun and if we get on the students level, the students are more than likely to understand the concept better.

     A Mad Minute- A Tragic Tale of Defeat and Remorse is a story of  how Ms. Jennifer Brokofsky corporated an assessment she learned into her classroom. The assessment  "A Mad Minute" proved not a good idea. Ms. Brokofsky learned giving assessments really do not help the students and it does not take away of how teachers do not know the material. After evaluating the outcomes she set standards and beliefs to follow. This is a copy of what I said.
      I am  Allison Cullars from EDM 310. This is a great post I really enjoyed reading it. I agree with the statements about teaching and learning. These steps are good to follow and abide by while in a classroom. Teachers need to know the subject matter before they teach. Just giving assessments to students is not going to help them learn. People learn in different ways, so we need to assess the characteristics and learning abilities of the studies. I had an assessment just like this in one of my classes and it scared me every time. This post is a motivation for teachers to improve in their knowledge. It inspires success in teachers and learners.

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