Sunday, April 29, 2012

Report on Collaboration for Project # 15 and #16

      Group Jaks  collaborated on both projects using Skype, Google docs and texting. The majority of our collaboration for the project was done through Google docs. We met in person to put together our ideas. We used Youtube to add background music. I movie was used to finalize the projects.  For our final project we wanted to be creative and show others how to change a boring class into a classroom filled with technology.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog Post #14

  Jose Picardo

      Mr. Picardo's blog is filled with stimulating posts and provides several different tools that are easily accessible by educators. Mr. Picardo has made using technology in the classroom seem simple. Before watching this video I never really thought about using any of the other tools Mr. Picardo suggested. I know plan to incorporate some of the tools he mentioned into my classroom. He suggests 10 tips on how to integrate the different forms of technology in the classroom. Here is a list of his tips:
1.Streaming Video
4.Interactive exercises
5.Interactive whiteboard
 7.Blogs and Wikis
8.Social networks
9.Internet tools
 His tips can be used to enhance student learning. I never thought about using music to enhance learning, but the more I think about it children tend to remember every word of a song. I will defiantly allow my students to create blogs and collaborate with each other.  Podcast are fun to create and it allows people to show their skills through video. Interactive exercises allows students to socialize and work with others to complete assignments.

Jose Picardo's Blog

 Mr. Picardo

My Teacher is an App

    This article talks about various students taking classes  from their home. The article is a radical rethinking of how education works. The post begins with a story about Noah Schnacky of Windermere, Fla. He  really did not want to go to algebra, so he decided he didn't want to. He  looked over the lessons he was supposed to complete that week for his  high school conducted entirely online. Noah clicked on his global-studies course and scanned the lengthy article. He then went ahead to the quiz and did a few problems until he became restless. Meanwhile, his sister Allison was working on a essay. She gained a new appreciation for history more than at her old school. At her old school, the teacher just stood and wrote on a chalk board. The article displays the pro's and con's  of taking classes online. A few states, found that students enrolled full-time in online schools score significantly lower on standardized tests and make less academic progress from year to year. Critics worry that kids in online classes do not know how to get along with others or participate in group discussions. Some researchers found that these students are testing below their original grade level in one or more subjects.

     Several public schools in Virginia, Georgia and Florida have required their students to take at least one online class to prepare them for college. I believe this  is an excellent idea. With the increasing developments of technology, I believe taking an online class with help the students learn how to use the technology. Also, I believe that home school students can have social issues, because they are not around peers. Ways that can help with this issue is to get the children involved in activities around the community. Online schools are not all that bad. With online schools, you can advance in your grade level and can graduate early. The students can do their work whenever they want and relax when they want. Children who take  online classes need all the support than can get. Children who are home schooled,  should have help  from their parents, tutor and other people to guide them through their materials. IPrep Academy is a online school where students are  given instruction by teachers on certain days, but the majority of the work is done on their own. I think a main point  the  article illustrates  is that teachers need  to adapt to the changing world and learn how to use technology to help their students learn. We need to rethink our teaching methods and students need to be challenged.
My Teacher is an App

My Teacher is an App

Kelly Hines: It's Not about the Technology

       In this post, Mrs. Hines talks about how technology is not the most important thing in the future. She believes that the different uses of technology are innovative tools for teaching and learning, but they are not the first things we need to use to initiate change in the classrooms. She displays four points that educators and others should focus on first when trying to make the classroom better. The first point was on how "Teachers must be Learners." Teachers need to be up to date on the current trends and tools that are developed. As teachers, we must know the educational background of our students when they enter our classrooms. Point two is that "learning and teaching are not the same thing." If a student has not learned anything from the lesson, then there was no teaching done at all. Mrs. Hines third point is that "technology is useless without good teaching." There are various technology tools to use, but these tools are useless unless we have teachers who are willing to innovate learning. Mrs. Hines fourth point is "Be a 21st Century Teacher Without Technology." She believes teachers can educate just as good without having to use technology. Teachers who encourage critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are doing their students a greater favor than those who misuse technology.

      I agree that we need to reinvent the way we teach today’s generation. I like that Mrs. Hines points out that no amount of technology is going to be effective without good teachers. Teaching with technology does not solve everything, because students learn in different ways. Technology may help students understand a subject matter better, but this is not the only way a teacher should educate her class. I will not depend on technology for teaching my students, I want to teach them. As a teacher, I will strive to make sure the children show they have learned what I have taught them. Also, I will never stop learning.


It's not all about Technology

 Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
     No one should be proud of not knowing how to use technology. I agree that all teachers should have some knowledge of technology tools. Computers, internet and other forms of technology have been around for a pretty good while, so people need to adjust to these developments and start to use them. A lot of jobs require the knowledge of computers. I think headteachers, principals and staff members need to be held accountable for whether they are technology literate or not. Although, I do not agree that school inspectors have to find alternative employment just because they are technologically-illiterate. Our students need to be prepared for the future and since technology is part of the future, they need to know how to use technology. Technology is a indispensable tool to help us teach, learn and grow. Also, it is a main source of how we communicate with each other. Therefore, technology needs to be known to all people.

 Technologically Illiterate Teacher

Project #15 Smartboard Instruction Part 2

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Final Report on PLN

      Over the semester my PLN has grown significantly. I have developed relationships with others educators  on twitter. These educators have furthered my knowledge in how to become an excellent teacher. I have the C4K student blogs  that I  visit frequently saved in my PLN. My PLN  is my entertainment and the way I socialize with others.  Over the following years my PLN will continue to grow. This is what my PLN looks like now.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blog Post # 13

not being able to use electronic devices

       This activity was actually easier than I thought. I spent my Monday not  using any type of media device or  electronic entertainment. I had two classes during the day and two tests to study for, so it was actually good for me not to use these electronic devices.  I was able to accomplish tasks that I have tried to get done for several days. I was able to cook, clean, and play with my new puppy. I can deal with not being able to use the computer and be on my social media sites. The hardest part for me was not being able to use my cell phone or watch television. My cell phone is pretty much attached to me at all times. I was constantly wondering who was texting me or would I just happened to receive an emergency call. Because I was not able to watch tv, I missed two of my favorite shows. My fiance Collin was actually very supportive. He has a ten page paper to write, so this assignment worked out good for the both of us.

no television

       This activity helped me learn that media devices are not as important as everyone makes them out to be. I  learned that I need to make more time for myself and to relax.  Also, that using  media and electronic devices all the time can not be entirely good for a person's health.  I realized that tv shows have reruns, but time with your family may not.  My students will have to adjust to not using electronic entertainment and media devices all the time. The students will be able to use media devices on some assignments. I will use media devices to teach, but not for every lesson.  My classroom will be a fun learning environment.

Monday, April 23, 2012



Ms. Andrea Hernandez
      I commented on Ms. Hernandez's "Who Moderates Comments on Student Blogs?"

     My name is Allison Cullars, and I am  in Edm 310 at the University of South Alabama. I agree that by blogging students are involved in a learning experience. I to believe that some students should not be allowed to put whatever they want on their blogs. Teachers need to revise students blog post and comments in order to make sure students do not put anything negative. As for spam, it will always  be around we just have to be cautious and watch out for it. I like the way you handled the situation with the parent. I enjoy reading your post and plan to visit your blog often.

Mike Prater

Mr. Prater

      I commented on Mr. Prater's post titled "No More Teaching."  His blog post was about how schools are places to facilitate learning and of the rise in technology.

      My name is Allison Cullars and  I am in Edm 310 at the University of South Alabama.  I enjoyed reading your post. Technology is growing everyday therefore, our students  do not need to be left behind in learning the different technology. Teachers should never stop learning. I agree that we need to show our students that we care about them and will do anything to help them.  By showing the students we care, they are more than likely to pay more attention to us.  I like how you put that  "learning must be fun, but that  it doesn’t mean we need to put on a circus act with every lesson." Overall, great post I will defiantly be reading more of your posts.

       I commented on Mr. Prater's blog post titled "What Effective Principals do." This post stated what is expected from a  principal. Below is my comment to him.

      My name is Allison Cullars and I am in Edm 310 at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading your post. It helped me realize just how important principals are and their roles in the school systems. This helped me see my role in how I should assist the principal. I have experienced principals that are nice people, but they were to nice to disicipline and often let people get away with things they shouldn't have. When I become a teacher, I hope to  work with  a principal that exhibits all of these standards.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Creativity and Curiosity: My Thoughts - Special Post #12A

 Curiour George

     Not all, but several schools  in the United States do not encourage students to be creative or allow them to be curious. In addition, students are not able to use their imagination and show how they really understand a subject matter. A lot of  teachers are ready to leave the classroom the time they walk in the door.  I think teachers  stick with the same boring routine of teaching because they are afraid of change and do not know other ways of teaching and using creativity. Some teachers may think that being curious and creative is a challenge. Also, a lot of people are under the impression that being curious can get you into trouble. Teachers fill facts into the students brains and do not let students think on their own, rather they are to assume everything the teacher says is true.

       A curriculum can be developed to increase the curiosity  and creativity of students. Teachers have to be up for a change. They have to be willing to have fun with the lessons and interact with the students. Students can  be curious and teachers can still make rules to follow. Teachers need to be reasonable and not set high expectations for their students They need to be willing to consider their students opinions. The class curriculum should be flexible and thought out thoroughly. Teachers can ask questions with each lesson that require the students to think critically. Also, teachers can give projects that allows the students to use their imagination, show their artwork, use technology tools,  and express their feelings. Nobody should be afraid of using technology.

      Teachers need to inspire students and be role models. The students increase in curiosity is determined by the delivery of the teachers message.The teachers need to stimulate  a certain idea or question in depth that will make the students wants  to research the topic on their own. Students are likely to follow what they see their teachers do. Curiosity fuels creativity. A teachers body language and excitement in delivering the lesson/assignment can stimulate students to be creative.

       I would have to say I am not a very creative person when it comes to school. I guess I haven't had a lot of  opportunities to be creative, until this class. Curiosity, wanting to inspire people, research and wanting to think outside the box can help me be creative. Teachers and schools can give me the opportunity to share my ideas.  I think if I was challenged more and given the opportunity to further explore  topics, then I would be more curious.  The role of teachers and schools is to mix things up and be willing to change plan. The teachers can ask me questions that do not have well known answers that will make me be curious to find out more on how I can solve  the question. 

Links to further your knowledge of  Curiosity and Creativity:

Curiosity fuels Creativity

Educating the next Steve Jobs

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Progress Report on Final Project #16

group jaks

Teacher, students, 1 super hero

We are creating a movie about how students seem like the day is dragging on and on and they are bored with the "normal lectures" that teachers give. We all know that sitting in a classroom for 7 hours a day can seem like forever especially when all it is is lecture and note taking. Have the superhero come in and show how a normal lecture could be turned into a fun, interactive, and creative day for the students. 

We collaborated on this project by using the following tools:
Google Docs: To gather ideas and plan the video
Telephone/Texting: To plan meeting day to record video
Email: To write up the movie script
Flip Camera: Use to record the video
iMovie: To finalize the movie and add music to the background

Sara Cardwell
Allison Cullars
Katelyn Gill
Jonathan Freeman

Blog Post # 12

About Creative Learning in the Classroom

After watching the video,  write one to two paragraphs describing the main point of the video and describe how you plan to use digital media and story-making  to further students education when you become a teacher. Also, describe why the use of different technology is important to use in a classroom.

     Students learn in various different ways therefore, there needs to be several ways in helping students to learn the different subjects. Creativity allows the students to use their imagination and show there true self. Creativity makes the learning environment fun. Creative learning in the classroom  is a film that inspires and instructs teachers to integrate digital media and story-making into their classrooms. By using digital media, the students were able to work together and  act out the lesson. Some students were actors and others were part of the camera crew. The  students were able to work with sound and video on the computer and camera.  All students gained the knowledge of using technology.
     When I become a teacher, technology will defiantly be incorporated into the classroom. Digital media is a great tool to help students understand concepts better because they are able to visualize the subject. I will use digital media to go over lessons. As a teacher, I will never let creativity be abolished from my classroom. I will let students use story- making to create lessons of their own.  They will  pick a  topic from the stories we cover in class and act out the parts.  The use of technology helps students learn from different  perspectives. My students will know about the expanding use and developments of technology and tools in the world. Technology allows people to communicate and collaborate with others around the world. It helps the students share their thoughts and opinions. Also, it is a good way to gather research.

Monday, April 16, 2012

C4K for April

Tom's Story about the School'd Picnic

Ilaria's Blog

     I commented on Ilaria's blogpost "Global Help." This post was about people in Africa having little to no water. She talked about how these people die of many diseases and that 85 percent receive water borne illness. She also had a video showing the Tom's Association and how we help people around the world receive a pair of shoes. Below is my comment to her.

    Hi, my name is Allison Cullars I am in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I will be commenting on your blog post for the next three weeks. I enjoyed your interest in wanting to help people around the world. The video and pictures really got your point across. I loved this post, it really touched my heart. I feel awful that when I have plenty to drink, people in Africa have little to no water. The Toms association is a wonderful idea. People are able to buy a pair of shoes they like, while providing another person with shoes. I actually have a pair of Toms shoes. Your post has really inspired me to try and help more. Keep up the great work.

Ilaria's created a collage for the color blue for her next post. Below is my comment to her.
Ilaria your idea to create a collage about the color blue was a great idea. The pictures are beautiful and the links help people gather overall information about the pictures. Would love to read more of your posts. Keep up the good work.

Tom's Story

I commented on the blog post Tom Wrote a Story about the School Picnic. Her is my post to him
 My name is Allison Cullars and I am in Edm 310 at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed hearing about the school picnic. Tom, it sounds like you and your friends had  a lot of fun playing in the park. I love going to the park because there is always a lot of activities to do there. Also, picnics are relaxing and it allows me to look at the beautiful area. What kind of games did you and your friends play? This was a great post.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog Post #11

Mrs. Cassidy

  I think it is a wonderful idea that these first graders have their own blogs. The blog allows them to let out their feelings and opinions and to have people comment on their ideas. All comments left on a child's page needs to be positive. The comments the students get from other people really inspire their work. The children are learning various types of internet tools, such as wikis and Skype. The students  are able to share their ideas and gather more information from other people and sites on the internet. Mrs. Cassidy is helping  the students open their minds to new technologies and allowing them to explore their creative side. The children really seem to be enjoying themselves while learning.

        I really enjoyed Mrs. Cassidy’s Skype interview. She said that she had been blogging for ten years and decided to get the students involved. She talked about the wide range of audience that students are able to communicate with. She then talked about the different uses of Skype and how it allows the students to listen to lectures from different teachers or professors  around the world. Skype is a great part of technology that teachers can use in their classrooms to further their students education. I agree with Mrs. Cassidy that if we are not using technology in the classroom then we are not only handicapping ourselves, but also our students. By incorporating different technologies into the learning experience, some students may be able to learn better that way. When I become a teacher I plan to incorporate creative ways for my students to use technology.

First Grader's in Mrs. Cassidy's Class

Skype interview with Mrs. Cassidy

Monday, April 2, 2012

Blog Post # 10


To Teach or to Educate
     I chose education as my major because I want to make a impact on a child's life. I love children and want to be a role model for them. I do not want to just teach, I want to be an educator. Indeed, I want to inspire children to learn and advance in their knowledge abilities. I  will not be that teacher that makes students just accept everything I say as facts. As a educator, I will be a mentor and help my students advance in their learning experiences. I will be an adviser and be there for every student that needs advise. I plan to make learning a fun experience. I will keep my students up to date  with the advancing technology and the experiences going on in the world.  We are constantly exposed to new things and are given the opportunity to share these experiences with others, therefore we have the chance to educate people everywhere we go.

"Don't Let Them Take My Pencils Home"
       This post is about  a   School Curriculum Instructional Interventionist Academic Specialist who confronts Mr. Spencer about allowing students to take pencils home.  She had a journal article about how students who use pencils at home have lower standardized test scores. It is absurd that an educator would prevent students from bringing home something as simple as a pencil. The Javi seemed more concerned about her reputation of being an educator and preventing low test scores. I like the approach Mr. Spencer took. He did not argue over the subject, but instead found solutions.  He met with the parents and students and explained ways that pencils could be used for learning. He worked with Mr. Brown to develop a parent- pencil program, where parents  learned certain skills  they were teaching students. As educators, we need to focus on the solution instead of  the problem. Do not keep fighting with the problem, instead fix it.  Schools have become more concerned about the measures to take to see that their scores on standardized tests are high and approved by state officials. Our goal as educators is to prepare our children for the future. We need to educate our students and not worry so much about what others think.
Mr. Spencer "Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home"